
The wrist or carpi is the set of proximal ossicles of the hand and its articulation with the bones of the forearm

The wrist or carpal is the set of proximal ossicles of the hand and its articulation with the bones of the forearm, radius and ulna, commonly called the wrist.

A fist
In extension, a wrist is also a closed hand, that is, with the fingers contracted toward the palm. The cuffs are typically used in unarmed combat, such as boxing. It consists of the ligaments:
  • Radial collateral carpal;
  • Ulnar collateral carpal;
  • Palmar and dorsal radiocarpal;

In addition to a joint capsule involving a joint and securing the distal end of the radius of the ulna and distal carpal bones.
Since 1995 with pioneering and avant-garde. Our professionals have extensive experience in some of the best centers in Brazil, the United States and Europe.
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Rua Soledade, 569/601
Mãe de Deus Center
Porto Alegre - RS
CEP: 90470-340